5 feb 2015

Summer School

El Centro de Psicología y Logopedia de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la ULL informa en su página de Facebook sobre la Summer School que organiza cada año la Federación Europea de Asociaciones de Estudiantes de Psicología. Este año es el primero que la European Summer School está siendo organizada en España y los organizadores son estudiantes de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Ellos les han pedido que colaboren en la difusión de este evento para potenciar la participación de los estudiantes españoles. El tema central de esta edición es Psychological Assesstment. Éste es el mensaje que les han enviado:

"The call for participation to the European Summer School on “Psychological Assessment” is now open!

The ESS is organised by the European Federation of Students’ Psychology Associations (EFPSA). Our organisation promotes and supports the academic development of psychology students across Europe through a variety of services and events. The ESS is part of the wider Junior Researcher Programme and you are encouraged to check out more information on this at www.efpsa.org/junior-researcher-programme.

We would like to invite PhD students and post-docs from Psychology Departments around Europe to apply as Research Supervisor for this year’s ESS, which will take place in Spain, 19-26th of July 2015.

Becoming an ESS Research Supervisor provides you with a unique opportunity for academic and personal development. Supervisors are given the chance to lead a group of six bright, talented and motivated European Bachelor and Master-level psychology students.

Further information and details can be found in the Supervisor Information Pack, Supervisor Application Form and Portfolio on http://www.efpsa.org/events/ess/. If you are ready for this challenge, please return your application to Irina Gioaba, Research Officer (summerschool@efpsa.org), by 13th of February, 2015. Shortlisted candidates will be further invited for an interview.

If you happen to know of any others who may be interested in applying as Research Supervisors, please feel free to forward this information.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.
ESS team"

¡Anímense a participar!

The European Federation of Psychology Students’ Associations (EFPSA). Junior Researcher Programme

European Summer School

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